Message for Humanity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 1 - Introduction -
Jane Shattock continues her readings from messages received by her late mother Marion, in the 70’s and 80’s. Session 4 will be an extensive long run, at the readings of this material. The plan was to make a book, but Jane needs help with that, and the translation of the bulk of these messages from short hand.
Jane feels very strongly that humanity needs to hear these messages from a sister Earth, “upstairs” deeply concerned at what is going on now..all of which was foretold in the 1970’s.All Bases material is now going on
The impending censorship and terms and conditions, now making free speech and discussion at extreme risk
Message for Humanity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 2 - Creation of Man -
Jane Shattock’s late mother was not the only one to receive “Messages for Humanity” in the late 70’s and 80’s. Here as she commences session four part 2, “Creation of Humanity” several important prominent people are mentioned.These are messages to tell humanity many secrets. Jane’s mother Marion, put most of her notes in short hand, she needs help to decrypt them.
These sessions started 2 years in, and are here on Stepping Stones to educate and inform.
Message for Humanity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 3 - Creatures of The Earth -
Jane Shattock returns to read more of her mother’s received messages from “upstairs”. Marion received these in 1970’s and 80’s, Jane will be reading these as far as possible.Most of the messages are in short hand and she is seeking assistance to decrypt them, so all these messages can be made public
Session 4 part 3earlier sessions are on Stepping Stones to Awareness, part of the Bases project Channels, exploring earlier works and information from the 1980s and 90s
See BasesTV.corm and BasesTV .org for more information
Message for Humanity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 4 - Sex and Sexuality for Human Race -
Jane Shattock returns to read more of her mother’s received messages from “upstairs”. Marion received these in the 1970’s and 80’s, Jane will be reading these as far as possible.Most of the messages are in short hand and she is seeking assistance to decrypt them, so all these messages can be made public
Session 4 part 4 earlier sessions are on Stepping Stones to Awareness, part of the Bases project Channels, exploring earlier works and information from the 1980s and 90s
Message for Humanity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 5 - Procreation -
Jane Shattock returns to read more of her mother’s received messages from “upstairs”. Marion received these in 1970’s and 80’s, Jane will be reading these as far as possible.Most of the messages are in short hand and she is seeking assistance to decrypt them, so all these messages can be made public
Session 4 part 5earlier sessions are on Stepping Stones to Awareness, part of the Bases project Channels, exploring earlier works and information from the 1980s and 90s
Message for Humnaity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 6 - How Death Occurs Soul into an infant -
Jane Shattock returns to read more of her mother’s received messages from “upstairs”. Marion received these in 1970’s and 80’s, Jane will be reading these as far as possible.Most of the messages are in short hand and she is seeking assistance to decrypt them, so all these messages can be made public
Session 4 part 6earlier sessions are on Stepping Stones to Awareness, part of the Bases project Channels, exploring earlier works and information from the 1980s and 90s.
Message for Humanity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 7 - Abortion -
Jane Shattock returns to read more of her mother’s received messages from “upstairs”. Marion received these in 1970’s and 80’s, Jane will be reading these as far as possible.Most of the messages are in short hand and she is seeking assistance to decrypt them, so all these messages can be made public
Session 4 part 7earlier sessions are on Stepping Stones to Awareness, part of the Bases project Channels, exploring earlier works and information from the 1980s and 90s
Message for Humanity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 8 Experiments with Frog Genetics
Jane explains, the dangers of mixing races, she is of mixed race, and as a result unable to have children. These are her late mother’s words, read by her.
Message for Humanity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 9 - Hormone Contraceptive Pill -
The Messages to Humanity series continues with Jane Shattock reading messages received by her late mother in the 1970s and 80’s. Jane gives some of her summary views and analysis.
Go to the ‘Stepping Stones to Awareness’ channel for her earlier, recorded some years ago.
Message to Humanity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 10 - Homosexuality
Message to Humanity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 11 - Changing Sex Castration
Message for Humanity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 12 - Transvestites Children's Homes
Message to Humanity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 13 Manic Depressive
Message to Humanity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 17 - A warning for Mankind
Message to Humanity by Jane Shattock Session 4 Pt 19 - The History of the Hebrew People
The Bases Project by Miles Johnston
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