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Mark Dale

The Mystery on Mars! Who Built a 148 Meter Wide Round Concrete Construction On Mars!

Updated: Sep 10, 2024

In August 2000, the Mars Global Surveyor Satellite took an image that show something extra ordinary on it. What looked like a round shaped object of a huge dimension, was at first dismissed as an error in the image.

Thomas Mikey Jensen took the challenge, and can now present the full evidence of it not being an error.

The same anomaly was found in 2 other satellite images, that dismiss the "error" theory. Watch the full evaluation video here or by clicking on Play below, and see how this mysterious object was found.

Thomas Mikey Jensen started his research with Mars images in 2011.

He is also the founder of Astro Archaeology Research Society, a worldwide organization for Astro Archeology research.

Thomas has presented his work at the international MARS Conferences in Alabama USA

in 2015, 2016, and latest at the BASES Summer Seminar 2024. His work with Mars Images has been shared worldwide.

He made headlines in 2014 with a satellite image of what looks like an artificially created construction on the Martian Surface. The picture has to this day still not been Explained.

(Pic below)

"Mars Unveiled" is based on actual research to confirm the presence of the round-shaped object in other images as well.

It took a while but He managed to find not just one, but 2 other satellite images, that show the presence of the same anomaly on the same spot on the Martian surface.

He also conducted a size estimation based on NASA's data, which tells us the object is 148.5 meters wide (487 Feet) (Pic below)

You Can follow Thomas Mikey Jensen on Facebook or see his Contributor section on Bases TV and see more of his images and videos

of Anomalies on Mars.

Mars anomalies

The PegaStarRoom Theory

Could these images confirm the existence of the 80s Secret Projects such as Project Stargate, The Mars Jumproom, Marsgate, and Project Pegasus?

IF THERE IS NO LIFE ON MARS, and none of the before-mentioned secret programs has ever existed! Then Who built it and left it up there?

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1 comentario

11 sept 2024

Amazing stuff. They HAVE bases on Mars, I have seen them spiritually with my eyes & experienced this with a USA extraterrestrial soldier. Why is the SSP stuff hidden when it's soo profound & life changing. Bob Lazar, Corey Goode etc

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